Monday, September 16, 2013

For Dreamers

For a dreamer, the night is the only time of time. They night is the time to learn and explore the dimensions of your own mind. Dreams are manifestations of our subconscious mind, and everything you experience and encounter in a dream is a reflection of a personal aspect of yourself. 

Conscious dreaming (or lucid dreaming) is an easy-to-induce phenomenon where you are awake within your dream observing the projections of your own mind. There is infinite potential to learn here. Here are some of the best ways to take advantage of your dreams through lucid dreaming:

1. Spending at least 10 minutes in putting down and recording your dreams in the morning. Even if you wake up in the middle of the night, try to remember and write down what happened.

2. Performing as many as 10 or more reality checks during the day, and these should be spaced out during the day. Does your reflection look normal in the mirror? Do the palms of your hands look normal close-up? How long do you stay in the air when you jump? Perhaps even make a marking on your hand and look at it throughout the day, and in your dream you will notice it missing and will become lucid.

3. Spending up to 20 minutes in the afternoon to incubate a lucid dream. The techniques to use here include meditation, self hypnosis, and visualization of what you wish to experience in your dream.

4. Before you go to bed at night, repeat this to yourself: "I will remember to recognize that I'm dreaming". Fall asleep repeating this in your head, and this awareness will subconsciously carry into your dreams. Know that in your dream, you will remember that you are dreaming. Affirmation is important.

5. Identifying your dream signs. You may also have that nasty experience of always running out of fuel whenever you are on your way to write a final exam. Again, it may be that you always have that horrible experience of your teeth falling off from your mouth. The best and most reliable way of determining your personal dream signs is by keeping a dream journal. Whenever you check it, you can easily identify those dream signs that
are regularly occurring. When your future dreams contain them, you will realize it's just a dream sign.

6. Imagine yourself being back to a previous dream. But this time, you have to re-live the ending differently. Visualize the scene in the dream in such a way that the details are clearer than what is obtainable in the previous dream. Next, search for the dream signs. Of course, this should be some unusual characters,
locations and objects which should reveal the dream to be mere fantasy; something you wouldn't see in real life. Next, start telling yourself that you are dreaming. Although you are just day dreaming (and this is by no means a lucid dream) continue to experience an imagined lucid dream fantasy. Do whatever you would do if this were a real lucid dream.

7. Research has shown that waking up during sleep can increase one’s chance of being lucid. So, in order to have more lucid dreams, you may want to wake yourself up in the night and bring yourself to full consciousness for a few minutes. You can spend those few minutes in reading about lucid dreams, meditating, visualizing, etc.

8. At times, you may wake up in the middle of the night and found yourself in this dreamy state. If this occurs, there is no need for you panic for your body and mind are already relaxed. Just drift into the dream world and of course, this can easily be accomplished without the least effort.

9. Lucid dreaming out of sleep paralysis. If you are undergoing sleep paralysis, you will find it practically difficult or even impossible to move your limbs. In this case, you have to try and float out of your physical body. How can you accomplish that? Well, just imagine how it feels when you're swinging really high on a swing in the park; that kinetic sensation can free you from your body.

10. This final step involve stepping into the lucid world and this means submerging your awareness fully into the lucid dream as well as stabilizing the dream to eradicate any chance of waking up.

There is an awesome lucid dreaming program available with 6 informative ebooks and audio files that is designed to make you a master lucid dreamer, and teaches you how you can use this to optimize your growth and self-exploration. Find more tips, techniques, benefits, and guidelines on lucid dreaming and astral projection here:

Spirit Science and Metaphysics

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