Friday, September 27, 2013

Tesla Universe

Nikola Tesla is the most underrated genius in history. He has over 300 patents for many things we take for granted, including the following:

1. Alternating Current - A war was leveled between the vision of Edison and the vision of Tesla for how electricity would be produced and distributed. The division can be summarized as one of cost and safety: Tesla demonstrated that AC was perfectly safe by famously shooting current through his own body to produce light. Tesla's system that provides power generation and distribution to North America in our modern era.

2. Light --Of course he didn't invent light itself, but he did invent how light can be harnessed and distributed. Tesla developed and used florescent bulbs in his lab some 40 years before industry "invented" them. At the World's Fair, Tesla took glass tubes and bent them into famous scientists' names, in effect creating the first neon signs. However, it is his Tesla Coil that might be the most impressive, and controversial. The Tesla Coil is certainly something that big industry would have liked to suppress: the concept that the Earth itself is a magnet that can generate electricity (electromagnetism) utilizing frequencies as a transmitter.

3. X-rays -- Electromagnetic and ionizing radiation was heavily researched in the late 1800s, but Tesla researched the entire gamut. Everything from a precursor to Kirlian photography, which has the ability to document life force, to what we now use in medical diagnostics, this was a transformative invention of which Tesla played a central role.

4. Radio -- Guglielmo Marconi was initially credited, and most believe him to be the inventor of radio to this day. However, the Supreme Court overturned Marconi's patent in 1943, when it was proven that Tesla invented the radio years previous to Marconi. Radio signals are just another frequency that needs a transmitter and receiver, which Tesla also demonstrated in 1893 during a presentation before The National Electric Light Association.

5. Limitless Free Energy - J.P. Morgan backed Tesla with $150,000 to build a tower that would use the natural frequencies of our universe to transmit data, including a wide range of information communicated through images, voice messages, and text. This represented the world's first wireless communications, but it also meant that aside from the cost of the tower itself, the universe was filled with free energy that could be utilized to form a world wide web connecting all people in all places, as well as allow people to harness the free energy around them. Essentially, the 0's and 1's of the universe are embedded in the fabric of existence for each of us to access as needed.

A documentary was recently released exposing these free energy devices and its connection with ET technology. This documentary, Sirius, is giving away 100% of the money from it's distribution to the production of a free energy lab:!/deployment_code=70359947mlbyjm

Spirit Science and Metaphysics
Spirit Science
 — with Marko Samardzic.

Nikola Tesla - The Greatest Mind Of All Time.Learn more about this great man here>>>

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